The Block

Well here I am back again after a long break. Part of my reason for that is that I am struggling with typing in blocks ….the new WordPress style. Just when I need life to become simpler I am presented with more challenges. Yes I know there are lots of instructions and places to go for help…but to be honest the help is sometimes more complex than the problem. So yes I have a block about the block, But just today I thought I would drop in and say hello. And give “The Block” a go.

It is winter here in New Zealand. We have gone from bright sunny days to heavy rain to the blowing wind. Most days I spend time in my garden which is becoming a polyanthus paradise. Lots of bright colours …what amenable flowers they are. This afternoon the rain came down in torrents and I am sure that many of you would appreciate some of that lovely fresh rain but sometimes lately it overdoes it. I was amused to see how the birds hopped around in great excitement. Usually they stay away from the rain but not today. A mixture of sparrows and the delightful fantail or piwakakawaka a New Zealand native. A very joyful bird.

I am looking forward to two special things in the next few weeks…one is a visit from my delightful granddaughters and the other is the coming of the Maori New Year or Matariki. I am lucky enough to see these stars from my windows.Those of you in the Northern hemisphere know the stars of Matariki as the Pleiades.

One of my best star memories was an eclipse so bright that I wandered round outside in a a glorious starry moonlight. The blood moon had lit the night What a bright night it was …and then to see the moon half golden half red and the stars of Matariki. Apparently we have to wait another 650 years to see it like that again.

My other delight is that when I open my door to say goodnight to the world I can see the lights of the Southern Cross just above my patio. The Southern Cross is another important star cluster in this the Southern Hemisphere.

Well I think that’s it for now. Maybe blocks are doable after all. Hope you are all well out there and coping ok with your own blocks. Arohanui Helen

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